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Meditation Life Story |How Meditation Changed My Life

How Meditation Changed My Life

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Hey, I am Keval Soni, Co-founder of In this article, I will share my meditation life story, and how meditation changed my life from dumb to spiritual blogger.

I have faced many emotional attacks and stressful situations many times in my life, and I am so grateful for all of them. I will indeed explain, Why I am thankful for negative incidents in my life.

I am sure a lot of people are going through the most challenging phases of their life. This article might be an eye-opener for all of them.

I am sharing some of my life challenges here which I can cured with help of mindfulness and meditation. 

See dear friends, Every situation in our life is happening or creating for our higher good. If we want to realize the goodness behind the worst situation of our life we just need to connect the dots. Once you do that a Strong version of yourself appears.

I am writing my life story to inspire people and make them realize that the Habit of meditation can change anyone’s life 360 degrees.

My meditation life story starts from my hostel Life.

The first time I came to know about the Word- Meditation

In 8th standard, I was in boarding school, in Bhuj, Kutch, India. Name with Shree Swaminarayan Vidhyarthi Bhuvan-Bhuj (S.S.V.B). there were Monks (Sanyasis) Staying in the hostel to guide the students about life lessons.

One Monk his name was Sastri Swami Shree Harivallabh Dasji, I do have due and deep respect for them. They used to come into the assembly hall and at the end of prayer they try to teach us a guided meditation.

But we feel meditation was so boring at that time and never tried to understand the deep meaning and importance of meditation. This is the first place where I was doing meditation forcefully.

I spent 8 years in that hostel, but the sad part is I never tried to learn meditation.

My Ahmedabad Life mental fights

I went to Ahmedabad for further study. I spent 3 and a half years in Ahmedabad. 

Ahmedabad is a big city and the cost of living is higher than where I was living earlier. My father is doing hard work to accomplish all the needs of my and my brother’s study.

I must work hard to pass my CA examination. And I was reading 12 to 14 hours a day. And I was doing hard work day and night. But I failed the examination. I cried alone. But nothing can be done.

I started all over again, And I made 3 more attempts there in Ahmedabad but every time I failed. I fall into the most giant trap of depression. At that time I was wondering how I would be helpful to my family.

Finally, I left Ahmedabad, and decided to study from home, because I wanted to save my father’s money. I made 2 more attempts from home, but the result was the same. I failed. 

Depression and anxiety are increasing day by day. I couldn’t sleep properly, I could not read and I couldn’t do anything at that time.

I was just wondering about the future. I didn’t know what I would do in my life.

Slowly I lost trust in myself, and I became dumb everywhere.

Even my friends use me as their entertainment. I lost my self-esteem. Every time I looked in the mirror, I was full of anger.

I lost my control over my brain and my actions. Everything was screwed up.

Suddenly I got a Pop-up in my mind about “The Secret” book, which my best friend suggested to me when I was in Ahmedabad.

Fortunately, My little brother got the gift of that book from his friend. And at that time Lockdown was going on in India.

I read that book and I came to know about The law of attraction. That teaches me whatever we want: health, wealth, love, anything we can attract in our life by just reprogramming our subconscious mind.

law of attraction
law of attraction

So I started practicing the law of attraction techniques and I got miraculous results.

I got a bit of clarity about what I love to do and what I have an interest in. 

As the law of attraction works, like where Focus goes, energy flows and results appear. Means whatever you think inside of your brain, you are just creating your reality.

I started feeling happy, but sometimes panic attacks stress and depression attacks me. I was not able to interact with my close friends.

I didn’t know where I lacked myself, or what was missing in me.

"God does not give us what we want, God gives us what we need."

Surprisingly god brought one beautiful mentor into my life. Her name is Sweta Sharma, I met them on Instagram, and their page name is abundance11_

I shared my situation with them, they tried to help me every time even though they had busy schedules.

When they realized that I needed their help constantly, they suggested that “I should book a call session and They would guide me through the process. 

I booked and we had a 1 and half hour conversation.  I still have that recording with me.

They listened to me first, I shared everything about myself and my situation.

As they came to know about my life challenges, every time they made me realize that I lack self-love, nothing else. Only self-love practices will fix my whole life. 

That one call session with Shweta Madam changed my way of thinking. I felt like I was charged with a high-voltage charger. That single session changed my life forever. I am so grateful for Mentor Sweta Sharma, thank you so much for being there for me.

Then, I started meditation around self-love. And slowly the seed of self-esteem will blossom like a lotus flower inside of me. Now meditation has become a part of my life.

Everywhere one common thing appears every time and that is Self-Love and Meditation.

So I started researching meditation and started doing it regularly for self-development. At that time I was doing guided meditation that helped me to get started with a meditation habit.

As time passed I was doing meditation 3 times a day, morning, afternoon, and Night.

Slowly intuition comes inside of me, that I am enjoying my own company, I don’t need anyone else to make me happy. 

I realized that my happiness is not dependent on someone else.

Happiness is my choice. 

This single incident in my life, changed everything. I realized that there are a lot of people like me, who suffer from a lot of mental and emotional issues, So I decided to start a Blog around Spirituality and wellness, which can help people with their mental and emotional health.

2Nd Emotional attack of my life

After 2 years of the first incident of my life, Something beautiful happened in my life. My family arranged a marriage meeting. Everything was peaceful and perfect, I liked her at first sight, and she also liked me but she denied my proposal.

She admitted to me on Instagram that she liked me too but she couldn’t say yes to marriage due to some family issues. I said ok no problem, I tried to make her understand, How life is going and why we should be thinking about self-care.

She understood me and she changed her mind and said yes to my family for marriage.

She came to my home to meet me and we had a beautiful memory on that day. We ended our conversation with a small flower of rose.

It was a fabulous day of my life.

This is how a beautiful moment of the 2nd emotional attack has happened in my life.

I have shared everything about my past, I trusted her but, I don’t know somehow Misunderstandings sprouted in her mind.

After 2 and half months, I had to leave her even though I loved her so much, it was a very pathetic moment of my life. I can not forget that.

I fall into stress and depression sometimes, For a few days I lived in the recent past that I couldn’t forget. I cried alone. After a few days, I realized the lessons that were taught to me by Miss Sweta, I practiced all her teachings again and I got back on track.

I can not forget what she has done to me but what I can do is, Just Forgive her for hurting me. Forgiveness is too important to move on and focus on your life. Remember one important thing, You are forgiving them not for themselves but for yourself only.

At that time I was so familiar with meditation and spiritual practices, so I used it to overcome my sadness and let go of the things that no longer serve me.


Meditation helped me a lot to move on and focus on my way, After this incident, I learned how to be aware of uncertain moments of life.

What happens in our life, god gives us too much happiness in a short time, and 

That short time will end in a very short time, and God brings a massive challenge in our life to make us stronger by taking back that happiness from us.

One day My best friend, I should say best brother, knew about my spiritual interest and he suggested that I should read the Book: “Autobiography of a Yogi ” by Paramhansa Yogananda. 

That book was literally an eye-opener for me about life’s meaning, then I registered for extra spiritual lessons and even attended the Self Realization Fellowship (SRF) Retreat at Ahmedabad. SRF is also known as YSS (Yogoda Satsanga Society of India) in India.

Today meditation became a part of my life, as you can see in my Altar space that I created with God’s grace. And I am so grateful for this beautiful space to feel calm.

I always seat in front of my guru and meditate.

My meditation life story

My Altar Place


As you become familiar with meditation’s life journey and how meditation changed my life through the challenging phases it can change yours too.

If you want to be aware of meditation and spirituality then make sure to stick around this beautiful place.

If you feel any issues in your meditation journey you can reach out to me on my social handles, I will answer your questions there.

Thank you so much for being on this post.

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