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How Manifestation Work | 13+ Tested Ways To Raise Your Vibration

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Hello GYT seekers, again we are here with a wonderful article about how to raise your vibration for manifestation. 

Let’s understand How Manifestation Works.

In simple words, manifestation is something that we bring or create or attract in our life with the help of positive thinking and commanding to our subconscious mind with the help of affirmations. If you are new to AFFIRMATIONS, then kindly enjoy the free book in the popup on the homepage of this blog.

Nowadays Manifestation has become a center of attraction for all ages of people. Because worldwide everyone is talking about manifestation.

We have an extremely powerful ability to construct our own life, according to our own desires, we just need to align our thoughts and actions with what we actually want to manifest.

Manifestation is connected with the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. Along with both of these, it’s very important to have higher vibrations. If you have low vibrations, you will not be able to create thoughts that are actually required for your state of mind. And it will adversely affect your actions and manifestation.

Every successful person who keeps their vibrations up and stays positive all the time can manifest anything they want effortlessly. 

Here are the 14 ways to raise your vibration. Let us jump into the journey of Being aligned with the Ocean of abundance. 

1. Essential Oils:- 

essential oil will helps you to raise your vibrations

Essence means Fragrance. 

It’s scientifically proven that a good fragrance will uplift your mood, and it will help you raise your vibration for manifestation.

There are various essential Oils available in the market. A few of them are as under:-

Rose water- 

this is one of the best essential oils that contains a frequency of 320 Mhz, which is good for our vibration

Lavender Oil:-

This oil is also used in Aromatherapy, it has the power to heal our mental state from anxiety and depression and it is also helpful in our skin health. This oil contains 118 Mhz frequency.

You can use a diffuser to create an aromatic atmosphere around you, which will enhance vibrations around you.

Using a diffuser daily will come under high vibration habits. And it will help you to raise your vibrations.

2. Meal

Whatever Meal you consume it will help you to raise your vibrations.

Meals play a vital role in raising our vibration for manifestation.

We consume a meal three times a day. 

Our vibrations depend on what type of meal we consume, and how that meal is made.

Yes, you read it correctly,

For Instance- 

If someone has a very bad day because he or she got in a quarrel with their loved ones or with neighbors. And if that person is cooking a meal, then the vibration of a quarrel that they have installed inside, and by thinking of it they are Pouring that vibration into the meal they are cooking.

If someone eats that meal, they indirectly consume that bad vibration, and they feel low because of it.

This is how meals play a role in vibrational frequency. 

How to raise your vibration with food?

So those who have a beautiful family, and you are the person who cooks daily for your family, then keep in mind:- 

  • cook with a smile, 
  • think my family loves this food,
  • Paur is a vibration of love while cooking 
  • You can practice some positive affirmations too.

One more thing about Avo meals is always to eat a meal that has high vibrations and avoid fast foods and junk foods that have very low vibrations.

Especially avoid non-veg meals, because they contain very low vibrations of that particular life who died for your dish.

Spiritual people always love to eat normal and healthy food which enhances their vibrational frequency.

3. Gratitude 

Gratitude is the Mother of happiness, which will help you to raise your vibrations.

Now we are familiar with this beautiful word, gratitude. Gratitude has the ultimate power to raise your vibrations for manifestation.

If you are new to gratitude then I would highly recommend reading articles on this blog about Gratitude.

Gratitude is the mother of happiness, once you are grateful for everything that you already have instead of focusing on things that you don’t have, then you feel abundant from inside and your vibrations go up.

So always be grateful for everything that you already have in your life, once you enroll in daily Gratitude Exercises, this single habit will raise your vibrations.

Related post – Most remarkable way to practice gratitude

4. Find positivity in a negative situation

Find positivity in a negative situation

The negative situation comes in everyone’s life, but Most of the time, what mistakes we are making, When a negative situation arises we become sad and complain to god about why this happened to us. We start blaming them for that situation.

This is our biggest mistake which leads our vibration down and makes us feel low.

To raise your vibrations in these situations you just need to shift your focus from negativity to the positivity in that negative situation. Every negative situation arises to make us stronger or more perfect than before.

Once you develop the art of finding positivity in every situation, your vibes will remain up all the time.

For instance- 

Imagine you are walking in winter on a road and you get hit by a planted stone on the earth. What will be your reactions? Ha ha ha, I know that’s the wrong reaction that you give birth to.

What you should think at that time, you can think like thank you god it did not hit with the pinky of my leg. What if that stone hit your Pinky, the pain would be of the next level right? 

Thus, by expressing gratitude in a negative situation you have shifted your focus from negative to positive which will protect your high vibration and boost it too.

Related post – 7 Secrets of Being Happier in every situation

5. Hang out around high-vibrational people:-

hang out arround high vibrational people will help you to raise your vibrations

Today’s life is too fast, we all want everything instantly, so you might have a question about how to raise your vibration fast.?

If you have this question, then here is the answer, that hangs out around vibrational people. Their vibration will positively affect your Aura and you will feel an instant shift inside of you.

This happens because, Our body continuously releases vibrations, whether it’s positive or negative doesn’t matter, it releases every time, and it affects your surroundings also.

High-vibrational people always stay positive, irrespective of the circumstances.

They have developed positive habits, which help them to keep their vibration up. Because they have high positive energy by hanging out around them, we can adopt good habits from them in our lives, which help us raise vibration.

Thus, being with high vibrational people keeps our vibration up always.

6. Meditation

meditation plays most vital role in raising your vibrations.

Meditation is the most powerful tool to raise your vibrations.

Our vibration will be high once we are calm from the inside. And to be calm from inside Meditation is the best way.

Most successful people who look so calm and have higher vibrational frequency, have the habit of Mindfulness practices. They have a daily meditation session in their to-do list. 

Daily meditation enhances your awareness about vibrations and energy, and you will consciously manage your energy and vibrations.

Sometimes we feel like out of our actual track of life, we feel lost in our life. During this time your vibrations and energy level are too low. Which brings anxiety and stress.

In this situation, meditation works like a spiritual Reset function. And help you to get back on the track.

Related post- Easy Guide To Meditation

7. Drinking water


According to Chemical physics and physical chemistry water has a higher power that can absorb energy and vibrations from outside.

You might have a Question inside of your head. 

How will water help you raise your vibrations?..

Here is the answer:-

Once you have a glass of water and at the time of drinking it, whatever thoughts you have inside of your head those thoughts are nothing but vibrations, and those thoughts will be absorbed by the glass of water that you hold in your hand.

And it will affect accordingly. If you have good thoughts while drinking the water, that will help you to raise your vibration, and if you have negative or bad thoughts while drinking the water, you will feel low after having that water in your body.


Practical exercise:- 

Step-by-step guide:-

Raise your vibration with the help of Water instantly:-

You can consciously increase your vibes with the help of powering water and drinking it.

How to power a glass of water?:- 

Step 1: Take a glass of water.

Step- 2: hold it with both hands like in the image above.

Step 3: sit somewhat ere a Quiet place, or you can sit on a chair as well.

Step 4: close your eyes, and create positive thoughts, you can affirm positive statements as well. 


I am healthy, 

I am wealthy, 

the universe always has my back, 

and I am protected by the Universe.


Step 5: After doing this, do a visualization exercise, the glass of water is energetic now, you can feel it in your hands.

Step- 6: After imaging it, slowly open your eyes, and slowly drink that water, by sipping it slowly. Imagine that the powerful liquid is going inside of you which enhances your vibrations.

Step- 7: After doing this let it go, let the universe work for you. Don’t check the results consciously, after a few times you will realize the instant shift in your energy.

Likewise, there are many law of attraction techniques like Quantum jumps, Water meditation, 2-cup manifestation, Manifestation with a glass of water, etc, which are connected with Water those practices can not be done without water.

Thus, water plays an important role in raising our vibrations.

8. Random act of kindness

Random act of kindness will helps you to Raise your vibrations

 “Kindness is a beautiful Art and not everyone is an Artist”

We all are aware of the act of Kindness, and its results too. We all know that after doing a Kindness act, we feel so happy from inside.

But today we will know the actual pleasure of the Random Act of kindness.

In this you don’t need to decide anything, you need to pre-plan for any type of kindness act. 

once you wake up in the morning, just give a beautiful command to your brain that if someone needy appears in front of you you will never ignore them, you will help them and it’s done now You just need to go with the flow of the day, and you will see how God created those beautiful situations around you by which you can perform a random act of kindness.

And after doing that random act of kindness with that somebody whoever they are, human being, animalbirds no matter what. You will see beautiful vibes coming from their side. You can and that will uplift your vibrations.

Thus, Random acts of Kindness are the best way to spread love and kindness vibrations around you. Feeling after a Random act of kindness, you will feel that your vibrations are going up. 

This is how random acts of kindness help you to raise your vibrations.

9. Connect with nature

Connect with nature

Whenever you feel down or feel low, just leave whatever you are doing, leave everything as it is, and keep your phone away.

And go for a little long walk in a natural place, where a cold wind touches your face and you can hear beautiful sounds of birds, and trees. 

Walk in the serenity of Nature. And let it Install inside of you. Sit somewhere there where a constant flow of wind touches your face. Sit with closed eyes facing a little upside. 

And sit in a completely surrender Pose. 

By doing this you are allowing nature to take care of you. Embrace that present moment.

And nature will change your vibrations by raining the beautiful blessings of peace on you. That is the reason the walk in Nature also comes under the Positive energy practices.

After that, you will feel a sense of peace inside of you, and you will no longer be the same person before that walk. 

10. Engage in breathing practice 

Breathing exercise

Breathing exercises are the ultimate weapon for a disturbed mindset or any emotional and mental health issues.

If breathing exercises are done in the right manner, then it will allow you instant relaxation. And help you to raise your vibration.

In starting your mind might divert a lot, and you can’t practice breathing exercises properly. But here is the important point.

Your mind is diverting a lot that is why we are doing breath work to take back control of our brain, and emotions.

A simple breath work exercise, that you can perform anywhere, anytime.

Step 1:

go to a quiet place if possible, Otherwise, every place will be ok.

Step 2: 

Sit in a “sukhasana” (crossed legs) as we sit on the floor for a meal.

Step 3: 

Keep your palms on your laps, facing upside down. And eyes closed.

Step 4: 

Keep your spine erect, it’s the most important one.

Step 5: 

Take a deep breath through your nose up to the count of 4 or you can go up to 10 also, if you can.

Step 6: 

Hold your breath up to the count of the same while taking the breath.

Step 7:

Slowly release the breath through your mouth, up to the count of the same as taking the breath and holding it or more than that. 

Step 8:

Keep repeating this cycle until you feel relaxed from the inside. 


You might not feel relaxed in the starting days, but if you practice it daily, slowly you will start feeling relaxed from the inside, and breathing work will become your daily habit.

By doing this exercise you can shift your vibrations up anytime, anywhere.

Related Post – Uplifting Guide To Meditation

11. Declutter and organize

Declutter and organise

According to Albert Einstein,

Everything on this earth is an energy, and everything has its energy flow, and everything releases vibrations according to its energy flow.

There is a unique role of decluttering and organizing in the energy flow and raising your vibrations. 

Think about one thing, you are on a Job from 9 am to 6 pm, and after the Job you go home, as an open door of your home, everything looks fine, you feel good inside, but as you go in your room, you will see unnecessary books that you keep here and there yesterday night, your old clothes are kept on chair, there is a dust on your desk, and your bed sheet is completely messed up.  How you feel, obviously frustrated and more tired than coming from a full day job.

That means things that are not organized properly or things that are not used and still kept around you, you need to declutter them and make that space for good vibrations.

And Think on the opposite of it, as you open the door of your home, you feel a sense of peace, because there is a beautiful fragrance around the hall of your home. 

As you enter your room, you will see everything is completely organized in its place, beautifully organized books on a book stand, clothes folded in your cupboard, and peaceful music continuously playing in your room. And there is one diffuser that plays its role in spreading lavender fragrance all over the room.

Now tell me how you will feel.

Amazing! Right?.

So if things are properly organized and unnecessary things are decluttered then there is a space for the positive vibrations, so discipline helps you to raise your vibrations.


12. Move your body and Dance

Moving your body and dance will release endorphin in your body which will raise your vibrations.

Moving your body and dancing will make you feel amazing because it releases endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin which improves your overall mood and reduces your stress. 

And ultimately if your mood uplifts, your vibrations are automatically uplifted.

You don’t need to be perfect at dancing, no one is watching you, just sweat, by moving and dancing in a way you like. 

You will feel completely amazing after it.

13. Do things that make you happy

do things what makes you happy

We all are often bound to do things that are supposed to be done. No matter what, whether we liked it or not.

But sometimes we just need to keep that boredom aside and we should do things that make us happy.

That will raise your vibrations and help you to feel relaxed.

If you can’t find things that you like to do, then take a pen and paper. Start writing things that you have done easily which are not easy for other people. And you felt happy while you were doing that.

By this exercise, you will find your interests and things that you love to do.

14. Habits of appreciation of everything

Habit of appreciating everything

The habit of appreciating a part of practicing gratitude.

And as you already know gratitude has. Power that can instantly shift our focus and energy field.

Once you start appreciating things that come in front of you, you won’t have any situation that you don’t like.

You will always stay full of positive energy and high vibrations all the time.

Nature always takes our test, nature sends giant obstacles in our lives that lead to the worst situation, in that situation how we actually react, is what matters most.

It’s a rule of life, there always be better after worst and Worse after better. 

So we should not Panic while having a giant worst situation, instead, we should appreciate that situation by creating a thought like, thank you for this situation, it makes me stronger and stronger.

This thing will keep your vibrations up in any situation.



By winding up the article, raising your vibrations is a most powerful and life-changing activity that enhances the possibilities of your manifestation. By adopting the above 14 most powerful practices in your daily life you can create a more abundant life and powerful energy field around you.

Remember one thing: the journey of raising your vibrations is a way of life. It’s not just a part of the process. It requires patience and persistence.

By cultivating all these strategies in your life, you will see improvement not only in your manifestation but you can realize that your quality of living will also increase.

By giving undue importance to your life energy, you take control of your fortune and become an abundant magnet, which attracts more and more positivity in your life. 

All these habits will help you to manifest your desired state. 

Manifestation also depends on other factors. Like reprogramming your subconscious mind for manifestation. How the law of attraction works and how to use it.

So take all those ways and raise your vibration very up, and keep it always up and manifest your dream life.

Without Wasting a single penny of time, start now and jump into the higher vibrational club and be aware of your endless possibilities.

Write in the comment section which habits that you already have. And which habits you are going to build now?

Have a happy manifestation journey.

Thank you for being here😊

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